Wednesday 31 March 2021

The Evolution of Video Games


Science Roadshow

 Yesterday at school there was a science roadshow. It was in the school hall and it was really cool. I was a bit late so I missed out on a fire tornado. When I got there the first thing I used was a mirror telescope thing and then I went into the spinning curtain. The spinning curtain was supposed to make you dizzy because I has black and white lines in it. I had two favourite science thingies. My second favourite machine had a red handle and if you pulled it really quickly it would make electricity and my favourite machine was a phone and next to it was a knob and you could chance the frequency and if you put it really high your ears cant hear it.   

Monday 29 March 2021

Japan Brochure

This was one of the research cards as our reading task. 

Thursday 18 March 2021

Leopard or Jaguar?

 Leopard or Jaguar?

The best way to tell the animals apart is their patterns in the fur. Leopards spots are grouped tightly together. The patterns on a Jaguar are bigger than a Leopard. Some of these patterns have darker brown spots in the middle of them. These black and brown spots act as camouflage. Leopards have more solid spots on their face, limbs and stomach.

As a read task we had to read a book and write about it.

Wednesday 17 March 2021

Top 3 Best Rated Restaurants in Wellington NZ

These are the 3 best restaurants in Wellington. This is a reading task as one of my research cards.